It boasts top notch flowers every time. The flavour packs a strong earthy taste which is sour yet spicy with a potent aroma. It has a peaceful happy high relaxation effect so truly a winner all round. This is an easy grow for even the most beginners. Best for indoor.
THC 23%
CBD >1%
Plant hight Outdoor 100 – 120 cm
Plant Hight Indoor 60 – 100 cm
Yield Indoor 300 gr/m2
Yield Outdoor 250 to 400 gr/ Plant
Flowering time 3 – 5 weeks
Harvest Period 110 days after sprouting
Genetic Background Skunk1 x Afghan
Effect Happy Chill
Taste Sour, Spicy
Light Germination, seeding stage and vegetative stage 18 Hours, Flowering stage 12 hours (Recommended)
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